Welcome to the collection of Gnomean Proverbs, where wisdom meets creativity and reflection blends with humor. These proverbs are crafted to inspire thought, spark curiosity, and offer guidance for life’s journey—whether through profound truths or playful observations.
Each proverb reflects the heart of the Gnomean Faith, reminding us to seek balance, embrace wonder, and find meaning in both the extraordinary and the everyday.
Check back often, as this collection will grow over time, offering new insights and perspectives for you to ponder and share.
May these proverbs be a source of light on your path and a reminder to always Live Like Gnomes.

- The light of one lantern does not diminish another, it only makes the path brighter.
- A mind rooted in curiosity blossoms with truth; a heart tempered with humor flourishes in peace.
- What is unseen by the eye is often brighter to the soul.
- The hidden door often opens to those who stop looking for the key.
- In the unseen lies the promise of all that we might see.
- The map you seek is already drawn within you.
- The farther you reach with your thoughts, the closer you come to understanding yourself.
- A gnome may be small, but even the smallest being can hold the wisdom of the gods.
- The earth speaks in whispers to those who pause to listen.
- To honor the earth is to honor the life it holds.
- A gnome’s garden may seem small, but its roots touch the stars.
- The wind that topples a flower also spreads its seeds.
- To find the treasure of knowledge, one must walk through the shadows.
- The gods speak in whispers; the heart must learn to listen.
- The earth is not ours to own but ours to honor.
- A root nourishes the branch; a branch shades the root.
- Even the best-tended garden has a weed or two.
- A gnome without their hat is still a gnome—but they’ll feel better with it on.
- The closer you are to the soil, the clearer the mind grows.
- A gnome who asks ‘why’ is wiser than the one who says ‘because.